Peter Fox – Stadtaffe

Zur Abwechslung mal eine Musik-Rezi. Normalerweise bin ich ja ein Hörer elektronischer Musik, aber ein bisschen Abwechslung in der Hörbeschallung tut auch mal gut. Mit Peter Fox’ Stadtaffe fand ich eine tolle Scheibe, bei der mir selbst der Sprechgesang gefällt (da schalte ich meist direkt ab bei Rap). Ich war ja schon damals begeistert, als […]

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John F. Case – The Genesis Code

I am (or rather was) kind of a John Case addict after I read The Genesis Code. It’s cleverly written and well researched, but not overly trying to put all the knowledge to the reader (which I dislike on some books, when it gets much too detailed and, thus, interrupting the story flow). I actually […]

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Steve Berry – The Third Secret

The Third Secret by Steve Berry is a vatican thriller from 2005. It was an interesting read on a fictional missing part of a prophecy involving vatican “employees”. In some aspects a bit too predictable. If you like the genre and are interested in some conspiracy on the church, this is a good choice for […]

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Gone thoughts on books

Well, I was actually going to start to re-collect all the mini-reviews I’ve done on facebook. Well, I should have thought of that earlier, as they are all gone. No booktracker post on my wall anymore. It’s a rather strange to find that the internet indeed seems to forget things. Well, I will try to […]

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Me blogging…

Schulz goes around the blog.

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